Hey there. I'm Gustavo
Web Developer

I can help you build a product, feature, or website. Look through some of my work and experience! If you like what you see and have a project you need to code, don’t hesitate to contact me.

My work

Storm Mountain

Web appfull-stack2021

This is a winter sports website in which the user can book classes for the activities listed. The front-end build with React & Redux, and the back-end API build with Rails and deployed on Heroku.

Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL Postman Documentation tool Netlify React Redux Framer Motion


BotBack end2021

This is a Telegram bot that can give you updates on the top latest technology news from Techcrunch, TheNextWeb, The Verge, Techradar, and Wired.

Ruby Telegram API Heroku

NW Twitter

WebsiteFull Stack2021

This website is a social media MVP project built on Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL based on Twitter. Live demo available on Heroku.

HTML SCSS Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL Heroku

Weather App

WebsiteFront End2021

A weather forecast app that display's the current date and time, weather details for the current date, along with the forecast for the next three days.

TypeScript Webpack Tailwind CSS SASS OpenWeather API

It's Twixo

GameFront end2021

A Game built on the Phaser framework with modern JavaScript features and Webpack to bundle and manage the project's assets.

JavaScript Webpack ES6 Phaser Jest

About Me

I enjoy building things and solving problems with code, especially when those involve the web and its many parts. I transform business requirements into amazing and useful products, and those are my favorite frameworks and tools to build things:


Javascript TypeScript Ruby HTML CSS


React Ruby on Rails RSpec Capybara TailwindCSS Capybara


Github Git Heroku

I'm always interested in hearing about new projects, so if you'd like to talk, please get in touch